All Posts By

David Fuller

  • words


    There are people that say the rise of e-books and being able to read a ‘book’ on the small screen of a mobile device will somehow lead to the downfall of…

  • Food

    Bachelor Dinners #1 (The Origin Story)

    I’m not a bachelor anymore. However, I’m glad I spent some time fending for myself, because that’s how I learnt to cook. Actually, now that I think about it, that statement…

  • A tail of two cities
    Travel Travel Writing

    A Tail of Two Cities

    Originally Published –, 1 July 2003 I was worried. I had bought a bus ticket from Seattle to Portland Oregon without reading the guidebook. When I finally ran down the…

  • The Landslide Lounge
    Travel Travel Writing

    The Landslide Lounge

    An Impromptu Gathering in the Middle of Laos First published on Itchy Feet Blog, 2003. I grumbled as one of the early starters tried to rouse me from a dream about…

  • Angkor Afloat Travel Writing David Fuller
    Travel Travel Writing

    Angkor Afloat

    Originally Published –, 25 Feb 2003 Sunrise. A paw-paw colored ball makes the sky smoky mauve and the tiny clouds burnt pink. The land and sea are the same temperature.…